Adult Classes
Wednesday Evenings | 6:15 to 7 | Dining Hall
Join us for Bible Study, Dialogue, Music & Fellowship!
Sunday Bible Study
You will find below a description of each of our current classes. We hope that you will feel free to visit multiple classes and find the one that is right for you!
Many of our classes make use of Smyth and Helwys’s Formations, a series of bible study guides designed to encourage both individual reflection and group discussion. If you have trouble finding a classroom, let one of our greeters know. They will be happy to help. Come see us!
Adult Bible Study Archive
Click HERE for access to our archive of Adult Bible Study lessons recorded and streamed online. These studies are taught by a rotation of gifted Bible teachers at Fernwood. A great resource!!!
Although the Footprints class is lecture-oriented, discussion is always a part of how they learn and grow together each week. This class includes both members who are theologically liberal and those with quite conservative points of view. They enjoy fellowship & food, so they try to schedule class events around food several times throughout a year. Most importantly, the members of the Footprints class love one another and enjoy in-depth Bible study. Here you will find a welcoming group of folks, good fellowship, good cooks, and thought provoking discussion.
Room 218 | *45 +
The GAP class is a multi-age class focused on discussion of themes of theology and its application to the lives of young families.
Room 217 | *25+