Double Baptism — Hungary
Olah Jozsi, a Romany evangelist, and Hungarian Baptist pas- tor Csuhai Jozsi baptize Tibi and Natasha, followers of Christ who came to faith through the reach of CBF field personnel Ralph and Tammy Stocks. As the Stocks minister among the Romany, they look for unique ways to share the gospel and encourage Romany to work among their own people. Distinguished by their dark hair and complexion, Roma are a minority in Hungary and often experience discrimination. Most live in poverty, and their opportunities for employment and education are limited. “Our dream is to encourage and nurture young Roma Christian men and women who will minister among their people so that we are no longer needed,” Tammy said. “We hope to see the gospel being spread through the Roma of the world without hindrance. We also hope to see other Europeans accepting the Romany people and working to reach out to them in spite of the deeply ingrained prejudice so prevalent.”
Ruth School — Bucharest, Romania
A Romany girl eats lunch at the Ruth School, a CBF Engage- ment Partner. This former student now has grown up and is a young woman. The Ruth School is part of a larger outreach called Project Ruth, which has been in operation more than 25 years. The Ruth School provides education to children of Roma families living in poverty, Project Ruth also includes the Gypsy Smith School for training Roma pastors and the Naomi Women’s Center for counseling and sewing training among Roma women. As CBF field personnel Ralph and Tammy Stocks minister among the Romany, they look for unique ways to share the gospel and encourage Romany to work among their own people. Distinguished by their dark hair and complexion, Roma are a minority in Hungary and often experience discrimination. Most live in poverty, and their opportunities for employment and education are limit- ed.