Frequently Asked Questions
What time are services?
Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:45am. The Worship service begins at 11am. Visit our Welcome Center in the main lobby outside the sanctuary for directions to Sunday School classes, nursery, and restrooms.
What should I wear?
We encourage everyone to dress comfortably. For some, that may mean a suit and tie, but for others it means jeans and a t-shirt. No matter what you wear, you are welcome here.
Where do kids go during the worship service?
Nursery care is available for infants and young toddlers throughout the worship service. A children’s sermon geared toward children of all ages is offered during the first half of the service, after which preschoolers ages 4 and under are accompanied to the preschool room for extended care. Children over the age of 4 are encouraged to remain with their families and the congregation in worship.
What does a service look like?
Recognizing that worship is a communal experience that brings together diverse individuals, we draw from a variety of worship traditions as we follow the seasons of the Christian calendar. We hold a deep love for music which you will see reflected in our services. On a given Sunday, you may find a string quartet, brass band, hand bell choir, or one of our students playing the guitar. Times of prayer, scripture reading, and sermons for both adults and children are used to convey the gospel message and to offer support in following the call of God throughout the week.
Is Fernwood affiliated with a particular denomination?
We are part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the CBF of South Carolina. More info
How can I become a member?
Anyone interested in membership should speak with one of our pastors. They are available at the end of each service and also by appointment. All candidates for membership will be presented to the congregation for membership in any of the following ways:
- By profession of faith in Jesus Christ and request for baptism;
- By transfer of letter from another Baptist church; or
- By statement of previous Christian experience and meaningful baptism, regardless of tradition.
New members are affirmed by those present in the worship service.
How does Fernwood offer baptism?
We practice baptism by immersion; however, accommodations may be made for persons with physical or mental limitations. A request for such accommodations will be referred to the Senior Pastor and Ministry Council.
How does Fernwood serve communion?
Communion is observed at least once every quarter and is most often received through intinction. What is intinction? All are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary, where our pastors will offer you the bread and the cup. You break off a piece of the bread, dip it in the cup, and receive communion. We find this to be a very personal and uplifting way to remember Christ’s call on each of our lives.