As you know, our state has been ravaged by flooding over the last several days, particularly in the Columbia area. The devastation is wide-spread and the needs are urgent.
I have been in contact with several friends and fellow pastors in the area, including Merianna Neely Harrelson, who currently serves as Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Fellowship. This is a sister CBF church and Merianna is a Spartanburg native (her father is Bob Neely and her uncle is Kirk Neely).
Merianna’s family and her church have only sustained minor damage, however, they are seeking to be a presence of support for the community they serve. They were planning to host a Fall Festival this Wednesday night, which would include the opening of their clothes closet and food pantry. As you can imagine, the need now is far greater than they could have ever anticipated and they need our help.
I have agreed that Fernwood will partner with Emmanuel in providing as many supplies as possible to their area of Columbia. Emmanuel will be holding their festival on Wednesday, but will continue to have their clothes closet and food pantry hours every day for the foreseeable future- as long as the need persists.
The mobile home community across from the church has been condemned. Emmanuel has been partnering with this community for over a year. These people have lost nearly everything. PLEASE consider donating something from the list below to aid Emmanuel in caring for their neighbors.
Donations may be brought to Fernwood Baptist Church (200 Fernwood Drive, Spartanburg). I will be driving them down on Fridays for the next couple of weeks, so please have all donations to the church by 4:30pm ON THURSDAYS!
Below is a list of what they need:
Clothing: Adults and Children- in all sizes (They don’t need to be brand new, but we do ask for gently used)
Diapers: all sizes
Travel size toiletries
Nonperishable food: (Ex: Mac and cheese, oatmeal, peanut butter, granola bars)
THANK YOU in advance for being the presence of Christ to our brothers and sisters in Columbia.
Pastor Bailey