Since 2007, Baptist Women in Ministry has invited Baptist churches to participate in Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching by having a woman preach during the month of February. This annual event has been a deeply significant source of joy and discovery for many women and churches. This is an opportunity for congregations to publicly voice their support of women in ministry, to be counted with other Baptist churches in celebrating the calling and gifts of women, and to remind congregations that God does indeed call women to the work of the kingdom. For churches that have a woman pastor or that often have women preach, this event is a great opportunity to stand with and support Baptists who are still hoping for and dreaming of the day that their church will allow women to preach.
This year, Fernwood will celebrate this special month of preaching on Sunday, February 21, as we invite Dr. Helen Lee Turner to lead us in worship. Dr. Turner holds the Reuben B. Pitts Chair of American Religion and Judaism at Furman University, where she also serves as the Chair of the Religion Department. Dr. Turner is a native of Spartanburg, SC and her father actually served as one of the original preachers during the formation of Fernwood Baptist Church.
On that same Sunday, our own pastor, Bailey Nelson, will be preaching as the Martha Stearns Marshall guest preacher at First Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, TN.
We are thrilled that Dr. Turner will be able to join us and grateful that our pastor will be celebrating this special opportunity with a sister congregation.