Intentional Community — Danville, Virginia
Jessica Hearne serves as CBF field personnel in Danville, Virginia, where 38 percent of children live below the poverty line, nearly three times the average for Virginia. One in five people in Danville live with food insecurity, and the medi- an household income there is about half that of the rest of the state. Jessica and her husband, Joshua, serve with and through Grace and Main Fellowship, an intentional, ecumen- ical Christian community devoted to hospitality, simplicity, prayer, nonviolent action and grassroots community devel- opment. The foundation of their ministry is simple: building relationships and community. Here, the late Bruce Hopson (right) in UNC shirt, prays with a small group.
Latino Work among Immigrants — Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia
CBF field personnel Sue Smith (center) networks with vol- unteers at LUCHA Ministries, an organization in the Fred- ericksburg, Va., area created to help Latinos cope with the struggles of a new life in the United States. She and her husband, Greg, are co-founders of LUCHA Ministries, where they help immigrants adjust to American culture through English classes, tutoring and explaining U.S. medical and ed- ucation systems. They also work to connect people with the resources they need. By building relationships with employ- ers, government and social service agencies, property manag- ers, churches, schools and law enforcement, LUCHA Minis- tries works to bridge the gap between Latino immigrants and the community at large.
Hurricane Katrina — Louisiana
When disasters like Hurricane Katrina occur, the victims need immediate and long-term help to recover. CBF field personnel David Harding provides leadership for CBF to build alliances with local churches and other partners to develop a coordi- nated response based on available resources and the needs of communities. The objective is to transition quickly from disaster response to long-term transformational development, particularly among the most vulnerable. Since extreme pov- erty is often an underlying challenge that preceded the event and impacts the response, CBF enables community action by forming Sustainable Living Teams among the most vulnerable members of the affected communities.